I’m in love with my Sewaholic Hollyburn!

I’ve finally made my first Sewaholic Hollyburn.  I say “finally” because I have had this Indie Pattern, and a few others, for months.  Indie Pattern Month is always a reminder to me to get moving!  I say “first” because I will definitely be doing this one again.  It’s my new TNT skirt pattern!  There are lots of size choices in this pattern (0 to 16) and a few waistband designs and choices for skirt lengths.  I love Sewaholic’s combination of instructions and diagrams.  I have made a Sewaholic Yaletown dress already (love it too!) and want to make a Sewaholic Oakridge next.

I had a bit of a mix up in purchasing fabric though.  I brought 3 meters of red Ponte knit fabric home from the fabric shop and while searching my stash for a suitable zipper and thread I found an additional 3 meters of red knit! So I ended up using my red Fabric Stash knit instead – putting my red Ponte knit away in my Stash, hopefully not to be forgotten!  Gotta keep track of that Fabric Stash!  I guess this means that I am actually not sure what my red skirt is made of, other than a knit!


This Sewaholic pattern is a quick, easy sew.  I fancied up mine by adding an inverted pleat at the centre front seam.  I added on 2 inches on each side front when cutting and folded it back an inch before stay stitching it down and sewing on the waist band.

I did my first hand-picked zipper too, as the fabric was very soft and a bit stretchy to go through my machine smoothly.

Anyway, there are more details on my blogif you wish to see/read.  I’m already thinking about making a solid black Hollyburn, perhaps without my CF pleat and maybe with some different designs on the pockets.  We shall see.  This is going to be fun!  🙂

Happy Sewing!

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