Announcing the December Challenge!

I like Dr Who…a lot.

I also own (and have played through multiple times) every the Ratchet and Clank game ever released.

Last week I started re-reading an 8 book series for the second time…immediately after finishing the last book…

Those are a few of my nerdy secrets, how about sharing yours?

This December it’s time to get nerdy!

Show us you g33ky side by creating something special, combining your nerdy sewing skills with the other nerdy things in your life.

Are you going to make a Dr Who inspired shirt dress like Clara?

Or how about taking it all the way with a full on cosplay costume?

Maybe we’ve just given you an excuse to trawl Spoonflower for the perfect Star Trek fabric, or dress your dog up like an ewok.

However you want to celebrate your nerdy side, we won’t judge 😉

Now, prove of your nerdy worthiness! Who can name the 9 geeky symbols I put in the blog badge?



15 thoughts on “Announcing the December Challenge!

  1. Pingback: geek in training | sewandsoblog

  2. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to join in here, but this one really inspires me. I had hundreds of comic books from Marvel and Dark horse before I moved to Rio. Even with my nerd level and my brother’s extreme geek influence, I can only name 5 out of the 8: X-men, Shield, Transformers, Zelda, Star Wars. What are the other 3? Voltron?


  3. Pingback: The Monthly Stitch- Geek Out! – Challenge Announcement | Sew Punny

  4. Yay!!! I’m so excited for this 🙂 I have a couple of geeky-themed garments in the works, including a few new costumes and some geeky character themed hoodies and dresses. And thanks for sharing my Rogue! 😀


  5. Love the geeky sewing! I may have to improvise a bit, but if we’re not limited to women’s clothing this time, I think I can definitely come up with something. 🙂


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