Double Back!

The way I interpreted “Sew Double” was that I was going to take a pattern that I’ve previously sewn but instead, sew a different view.
I thought the McCalls 6839 would be the best pattern to use because the front is the same on all of the views, it’s just the backs that get fancy lol

The first time, I did View A.
This time I did View B
I used this green/brown/black sweater knit that I got from Fabric Mart.
It is very very lightweight though so it definitely isn’t the best fabric to use for this pattern but I wanted it to be this shirt… so yea lol
It has 4 way stretch which made it a bit of a pain to hem. I was trying to do the serge/fold narrow hem that I’ve been overusing after reading Andrea’s post but that ended up just stretching out the neck, sleeves and the hem.

It’s not that bad of a thing though.
My love is focused more on the drape in the back than anything.
Sidenote: I’m 89% sure I sewed the yoke wrong on this because I didn’t really understand the instructions for that part, but i don’t think anyone notices.
I made this up mostly on my serger (aside from the yoke and the last part of the hem)
All in all, i love it.
I’m glad that the tops look and feel completely different from each other.
Tell me what you think!
more pics and explanations on my blog

15 thoughts on “Double Back!

  1. Wow, that looks gorgeous! If the knit was stable enough you could pretty much have left it unhemmed.
    I love this website for finding out about new patterns. Are you going to try the third version as well?


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