RTW copycat, weather permitting

The trouble with a RTW challenge, when you do a lot of sewing, is that you stop looking at RTW altogether. My inspiration was the sample for the Luffa jacket, by Waffle patterns.

It’s so beautiful! And so mustardy! I adore that colour.

Trouble is, I’d just won a year-long fitting battle with the Bellatrix blazer, from Papercut.

I think the Bellatrix is gorgeous, but despite three muslins I couldn’t get it to fit. A tantrum and a year later I came back to it, made a fourth muslin, and behold!

The main fitting changes I made were
1. adding a bit to the side seams, thereby also increasing the sleeve circumference, and
2. making the front side panel squarer, which I guess is a dodgy princess-seam FBA of sorts

Pocket shots:

The fabric is a textured cotton from my trip to Japan in April. It’s absolutely lovely but it does crease easily in the non-interfaced bits (sleeves and back mostly). The lining is a lighter cotton.

That’s pretty much it about the blazer, but I just wanted to mention the difficulties we southern-hemisphereans have with a June Indie Pattern Month. C’mon, organisers, you’re here too, who came up with that bright idea? Everyone else has gorgeous photos of spring meadows and sunshine, and we have to cope with THIS (no light):

… and THIS (gale force winds!)

Ah well, luckily we’re a hardy bunch. And a bright mustard jacket is just the thing on a chilly grey June day.

18 thoughts on “RTW copycat, weather permitting

  1. You are your jacket are fabulous! I love this colour, I’m about to make a dress in mustard yellow eyelet 🙂 I admire your persistence – four muslins? I would have given up after the second one!


    • Thanks – it’s not perfect but it’s a lot better than it was. Jackets are mostly just time consuming, there are lots of steps but nothing that’s actually very difficult.


  2. Oh I love this pattern, sorry to hear you’d difficulties fitting it.
    I ADORE the contrast collar and pocket welts and your fabric colour choosing skills brilliant putting those those two together!


    • I think maybe it might be due to larger sizes having more shape variability, and fit is so important for a jacket. Thanks for your comments on the colours. I love yellow and grey – I used to have a yellow and grey dress but wore it out.


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