DKNY Knockoff Frock

I have a habit of making patterns the same way they look on the envelopes lol My creativity isn’t as large as people on the outside think . I’m one big style copycat lol I made the DKNY Vogue pattern 1407 after finding the a great houndstooth knit from Fabric Mart Fabrics [edited].


The dress is a huge success for me. Aside from a few wrinkles and the fact that the lining wants to twist at times, the dress looks just like any dress I could have gotten in a nice store.


It is fully-lined and most of the binding was hand sewn. The exposed metal zipper was machine-stitched to both the fashion fabric and lining which gave a really beautiful finish.


I really love the dress and I hope to wear it for years to come!

You can check out my blog for more pics and other creations!

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