Clothkits Skirt – Rob Ryan ‘Hold Me’ (unstashed!)

I was kindly given a Clothkits skirt kit for Christmas, and I sewed it up five days after! #proud! It didn’t hit my stash (well it was left on the arm of the chair for five days…) and that feels so good!

If you’ve not heard of Clothkits, they basically print a pattern directly on to the fabric, so you just have to cut the pattern in your size from the fabric!


The kit was designed by Rob Ryan, and is called ‘Hold Me’.


I cut the size 10 and it fits perfectly.

clothkits skirt

The pieces included are: 2 x back panels, 1 x front panel, 2 x back facings, 1 x front facing.

I like how there’s not an extra waistband; you just sew the facing right sides together with the skirt pieces and flip it over. I just stitched in the ditch (at both sides seams) and that holds it in place.

clothkits skirt

I inserted a concealed zip in between the back panels of the skirt, sorry there’s no back view photo!

You can add a lining if you wish, but for time and laziness sake I didn’t bother. The fabric is a lovely corduroy, so it’s not see-through at all to warrant a lining for that reason. Perhaps it would have benefited from one to prevent it kind of sticking to my tights, but I’m happy enough without!

I decided I didn’t want a line of stitching around the hem so I took the extra time to slipstitch the hem in place, so that nothing is visible on the front. I’m really happy I did that!


All in all, I would recommend you all to get a Clothkits kit! It was lovely to be able to cut the pieces straight from the fabric, and it took no time at all to sew up!

clothkits skirt

Now back to old fashioned pattern pieces…

Beth at @afterdarksewing



15 thoughts on “Clothkits Skirt – Rob Ryan ‘Hold Me’ (unstashed!)

  1. This is so cute. I also didn’t know Cloth Kits was still around. My sister and I had several Cloth Kits outfits sewn by my mum when we were young children in the 70s. I actually have one here half made that she never quite finished. I always intended to sew it up for one of my kids but never did.

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  2. This is lovely, especially in the corduroy! I had a Clothkits dress when I was about 8 or 9 that my mum made up for me, I absolutely loved that dress! They do such lovely patterns and designs.

    Liked by 1 person

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