The Pattern and Notions Swap Jacket

I had every intention of finishing both the jacket AND the dress from Kat’s Sew Weekly Reunion patterns and notions swap. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending upon your point of view!) the weather has been wonderful so I spend all my spare time outside instead of sewing. The dress is already cut out so will definitely be finished in time to rock the Frocktoberfest challenge!

Vintage Sweater

My  September garment for the vintage pattern challenge is the knitted jacket from mail order pattern 9387. I love it already and can’t wait for colder weather so I can wear it! I followed the pattern pretty closely and only made two modifications by shortening the length and tapering the sleeves to make a cuff. I also found some cool square buttons to add a bit of visual interest. There is something about impending fall weather that makes me want to snuggle up with knitting and this pattern had enough variety to keep from getting too bored. This weekend though will be devoted to working on my Frocktober dress!

 Cool Buttons

9 thoughts on “The Pattern and Notions Swap Jacket

  1. Pingback: I’m Baaaccck!! | my modern vintage

    • Thanks! I loved that I was able to use a vintage knitting pattern. Most from that time period are too small for my bust (47.5) so unless I want to do a lot of grading of the pattern (which I don’t) then I have to pick a contemporary pattern. Luckily there are lots to choose from on Ravelry but it is nice to get that vintage feel from a real vintage pattern every once in a while!


    • Winter is a hit or miss thing here in South Carolina. Two weeks ago it was 90+ degrees but this week it is only high 70s. Sometimes we don’t get really good sweater weather until December when other times it is early October. Even though it is not super cold yet, I want to get my wardrobe ready!


    • Thanks! Knitting is definitely a seasonal craft for me and right now I’m in the mood. Must also be all the football on tv. My hubby can’t hang out when I’m sewing like he can when I’m knitting because the machine drowns out the tv 🙂


  2. The pattern is from the late 50s/early 60s but I love it! I had never seen a sewing pattern include a knitted garment before so I got a two for one deal with the swap! The Charlotte Yarn Crawl was a couple of weeks back and I managed to get to 11 of the 13 shops. Of course now my sewing/knitting budget is blown for the next two months but I got enough yarn to last me through spring!


  3. oooo, yes I love that feeling of snuggling up all warm and cosy , too.
    this is a very nice jacket, I love the diamond pattern detail down the fronts , and sleeves , and the contrast of square buttons finishes it off so well.
    looking forward to seeing your dress.
    : )


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