Announcing the July Challenge

In May, we shunned the wovens and come July we’ll be asking you to shun colour.

We’ll be sewing only in monochrome…that’s right, it’s time for MonoSewn!

It was all fairly even early on and then Monochromatic and ‘Inspired By’ started edging away, trading places every few hours, it was actually really exciting in a nerdy kind of way!

We briefly considered inviting Miss Bossy back around to see what she might have to say about the situation but then we realised that might be a bit mean with all the hard work we know you are putting in for Indie Pattern Month.

She’ll be back though, when you least expect her…


But, if you are one of the 38% who voted for ‘Inspired By’, we’d still love you to find a way to sneak some inspiration into your black and white garment.

And even if you didn’t, you might like to take up the double challenge anyway.

Perhaps you are inspired by a black and white vintage photograph, or have you been dying for an excuse to unleash your menswear inspiration and make that crisp white shirt with tuxedo stripe pant? You might be inspired by a pattern, something from nature or the latest catwalk trend.

What’s popped into your head? Share your ideas with us in the comments.

Are you planning to enter any of Indie Pattern Month contests? We have 10 gorgeous dresses entered into the first week so far!

Happy Indie sewing!



Other exciting things (like pattern discounts and competitions!):

  • Have you entered to win your copy of The Mortmain from Gather yet? Get on over here, you have until 09 June!
  • 15% off at Diane Ericson Design with code MSJUN14 until 15 June
  • 15% off at Dresses & Me with code IPM2014 until the end of June
  • 15% off any pattern orders at Kitschy Coo with checkout INDIE until 30 June
  • 15% discount at Lekala all through June with code is TMSINDIEC
  • We’d love you to jump on over to the The Monthly Stitch Facebook group page and chat about Monosewn, Indie Pattern Month and anything else TMS. We’re working hard to inspire you everyday and it’s where we post lot’s of great info that’s not worthy of a full blog post

PS: It was really hard to resist using a zebra in the challenge button…bonus points if some sews with some zebra print! 😉

15 thoughts on “Announcing the July Challenge

  1. Pingback: Circling around and around | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  2. Pingback: White-out | The Monthly Stitch

  3. I didn’t know where to ask this so here is as good as any. Does anyone have a pattern for Miss Crabb’s Summertime dress (wrap around dress). My friend saw it online but we can’t find one in Christchurch and we are unsure how it wraps. If anyone could give us a clue or a layout example that would be great.

    I need to get back in to the blogging and share my Gatsby inspired dress that I wore on the weekend for my 50th Gatsby party. Plus I have made a tango dress! Oooh ahhh! .


    • Hi there! Just found your blog post and am hoping to find the same answer! I desperately want to make one of these summertime dresses. Did you have any luck?
      Thanks, Anneke


      • Hi Anneke, did you have any luck finding or creating a pattern for the Summertime dress? Looking to do the same 🙂
        Thanks so much, michelle


  4. Pingback: all Coco’d out | wrenstitchery

  5. Hmm I’m not sure what I’ll do for this! I’m not a very monochromatic sewist. Although I’ve been meaning to make some more dark jeans, so that’s a place to start at least. Will have to have a stash hunt and a fabric browse and see what takes my fancy!


  6. I haven’t got the fabric, possibly not the time either, but have plenty of ideas, haha! I’d love to do the double challenge and still need to add that dress to the current challenge. Oh dear two!


  7. Mm, I have a perfect piece of black/grey/white fabric which I bought for a specific pattern which I could make up… It’s just I have so many non Monthly Stitch things to make too. Oh dear!


  8. Argh!!! But, but, I hardly ever wear black! Or white!! This one is really gonna test me, I think! Eep, better start thinking now…..!


  9. Hurrah! I’ve got quite the fabric for this, has been lingering in my stash for ages and I did not know what to do with it.
    oh, and in a slightly masochistic kinda way I’m quite looking forward to the return of Miss Bossy…


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