Interview with… Diane Ericson Designs

Diane is the designer and illustrator for ReVisions, a line of inventive Sewing Patterns & Stencils sold in the Diane Ericson online store.

She’s also one of the sponsors for Indie Pattern Month, with one of the winners of the New To Me sewing contest being able to win a $25 voucher for patterns from her online store. Thanks, Diane!

We thought you might like to get to know Diane and her ReVisions patterns a bit better, so we asked her a bunch of questions. 😉 Read on to find out more!


Hi Diane! It’s great to have you along, telling us all about yourself and your pattern label. 🙂 First up, tell us all a bit about your designs.  How would you describe your style/aesthetic?

I create patterns for what I want to wear: Casual, comfortable designs that have lots of options for personal detailing and design. As an artist, I want   to look like me, and I want to offer patterns that give others that same opportunity.  I see the pattern as a canvas for each of us to approach and use as a platform to explore our personal style. I have started albums on my Facebook page to share each pattern and stencil design…and garments that others are making- so inspiring!

Diane – the women behind the patterns

How did your come up with the name for your label?

I started ReVisions as I was revising everything in my life – since I am a major recycler in my own design process, it felt like the perfect name. My goal is to keep it fresh – so as I continue to reinventing my life for my clothing out, I am enjoying sharing the creativity and joy in that process. Patterns are part of that. I often wake up seeing patterns folded in unique ways sometimes that is the beginning of a pattern for me.

We’d love to know the story behind your label.  What inspired you to create and sell patterns?  How did it all start?

My life pivots around my creativity…exploring it, sharing it and empowering others in their creativity. My pattern direction began with my mom, Lois Ericson, in the late 70’s. She and I created the Design & Sew label and worked together for many years producing patterns, books and retreats together. I have continued to follow that path and broaden my offerings and experiences.

A collection of tea cozys on the design table, waiting to be sewn

And looking forwards, where would you like your label to be in five years time?

I look forward to sharing new designs and playing with other dynamic teachers and sewists in the process.

What’s your favourite part of releasing a new design?

Seeing others get excited. A good pattern is a seed that has something for everyone. I love to see what comes of that as people create their own designs with them.

At work with stencils

Thinking of your gorgeous designs, what’s your favourite of all your designs so far, and why?

Right now, I am loving the Faultlines…I have a collection of summer garments and another collection of winter layered garments from that pattern. I think the combination of the bias working with the straight grain gives some great options.

Do you have any new patterns coming out soon?  Any hints you can give us?  (We’re so impatient, haha!)

I am working on a layered jacket pattern for the fall. It will have lots of options and you may want to create the vest version too!

Where do you do all your work?  Reckon you can share a photo or two with us, so we can have a sneak peek at your workspace?

I have a studio in historic, downtown Ashland Oregon, where I offer classes , one on one coaching and small group sessions. My classes, retreats and sessions are listed on my website.  I also work at home.

Design board for spring projects

Who or what inspires you, either with your designs or with your business?  (Or both!)

Dynamic women….women who are pushing their boundaries and creating the lives they want. My dear friend Marcy Tilton, (who created the Design Outside the Lines Retreats for 15 years with me), is a constant inspiration in business and creativity.

What tips or advice would you give to someone who was wanting to start their own indie pattern label?

Assess your skills… research and interview people who have created the kind of business you want. Find out what it is really like and what kinds of skills it takes. What are they spending their time doing on a daily basis? It may not be what you think. Figure out what you are missing and find good people you can work with and share the process. Explore the world and step into with your creative passion and be ready!

Playing with button placements and drape using the Nuevo shirt pattern


Thank you so much for talking with us Diane! I found it really interesting hearing more about your business and what inspires you. 🙂

Diane has offered all of our Monthly Stitch readers a discount on her ReVisions patterns in the Diane Ericson Designs store until 15 June. Use the code MSJUN14 to get 15% off patterns.

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