Announcing the November Challenge!

I was really surprised by your vote results. I felt sure that PDF patterns would win purely on variety but I guess as the seasons turn for the Northern Hemisphere the cold weather makes you think of warm new you-made coats, capes and jackets.


I have a nice supply of winter weight fabrics. Here in Wellington spring is always changeable so I and quite happy to sew coats even when we are supposed to be thinking about summer and Christmas.

Oops, did I just say the c-word? 😉 I wonder what Decembers challenge will be…but first we must get through Frocktober!

So, what outerwear patterns are you thinking about for November? Please share in the comments below.



20 thoughts on “Announcing the November Challenge!

  1. Pingback: One Coat to Rule Them All | Dressing the Role

  2. Pingback: WIP October Edition | The Geeky Seamstress

  3. Pingback: Fandom Friday: Geeky Fashion Must-haves + Gateway Fandoms! | The Geeky Seamstress

  4. This is very timely! I have been thinking about fabrics for Marfy 3472. But I also want a jacket in the style of Pendelton’s ’49er jacket. I even have a pattern (vintage McCall 3242) and a wool plaid for that one. Now let’s see if I actually follow through for a change!


  5. I have had Simplicity 2057 (a Project Runway pattern now out of print) waiting to be made for 18 months. Maybe I should pull my finger out and make it up and actually post about it. It is very Autumnal here, so a nice warm coat is just what is called for.


  6. Yay! 😀 I thought outwear wasn’t going to win, but yeah! I voted for that. I have a coat planned and am going to be sewing it up in November once the insanity that is October passes. I’m so excited! 😀


  7. I’m thinking of being a bit of a rebel and sew a blazer. I have a blazer in sweatshirt fabric planned and I think I can “cheat” it into an outerwear category. Still waiting on the pattern, ordered it from the US and it seems to have gotten lost on the way over the Atlantic :(. Wonder if I must re-order.


  8. I could easily have given my vote to all three of these categories. I think I’ll make the most of my winnings from indie month and make a Papercut Patterns Rigel Bomber.

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